29 May, 2005

I got this idea for a song....

All you can do is tear up those hissing rejection letters, and start your novel again, before they bite you! But you don't. A year later, and it's hard to ignore the slight humming in my ears. I had to get a job to pay for this lovely Norwich Edwardian flat, and there I found the 3 golden ways to succeed and be popular with your co-workers - 1. Have no interest in art/books/music. 2. Laugh a lot at crap jokes. 3. Complain about the job but have no intention of quitting. Pah! I can't do it. Work is hell (see life is hell comic book)

Too much has happened. I wrote a zine called days in orbit a few years ago, people bought it from zine companies. They seemed to like it ok. I wrote some poems too, scattered in the odd magazine or zine. I guess the magazines like them enough to print. I wrote a book. I got letters of rejection. Dismayed I went back to Germany for 6 months and wrote a useless commercial radio play for BBC Radio 4. A rejection letter came back. I tried to write poems at work, but threw them all away. Everythings quiet when the record ends. What happens then? Is that barbed wire around these letters? Oh no, wait it's just a piece of old string! That humming is society's relfective heart beat reflecting outside my window and I can only ignore it for so long....
reading - Bob Dylan chronicles / william faulkner the sound and the fury
music - joan of arc so much... / chopin / seafood as the cry flows
other things - radio 1 punk show / shallow grave dvd / art brut 7 inch / green tea /www.recordlabelrecordlabel.com / my heart beats faster than yours.

ich bin frei. I love the sunlight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello crayo.,,i got this idea for a song´´ is really cool! i like the last sentence-ich bin frei-william faulkner,chronicles by bobbi D.---you´re such a brain.

30 May, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! It's jennifer! Glad to know your still well and kicking. I'm glad your an uncompromising romantic and you just do all the shit that the rest of us are afraid to stir up in our little boring lives for fear that we might actually feel something. Scott and I are on the move....we might do something big ...not as ambitious as a novel, but big and real. I'll keep you posted. Real jobs are for suckers!

04 June, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, cray. good to hear that you're still alive, albeit fallen under the fangs of 'the publishing industry'. will keep observing.


06 June, 2005  

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