29 September, 2005

when the clock strikes midnight....

A dark Autumn evening, Anna is here tonight - she’s cooking with Franny right now (I might make chocolate fudge pudding later), candles are blazing - Pedro the lion sings his fragments of bright hopelessness on the record player, poetry books scatter in my head, and all is still and peaceful and alive somehow.
I love to live in this city, despite the new shopping centre (which right now I intend to avoid for as long as possible), the tranquillity of its little streets, the river walk, and the old cathedral. I have a sense of home for the first time in my life, perhaps we’ll move, we’ll take our child to Norway, to France, on a boat to New York, we might live in those places for months or years, but right now I feel at home and somewhat inspired by Norwich, England…
In other news - I quit yet another job. It’s a 9-5 daily routine that makes no sense to me, I’ll go back to my old telephone job (simply because I can pick the days I want to work, and for it’s location - an old hall in the Norfolk countryside, I like to look out of the windows and see horses grazing from my computer). Anyway…this job I did for this last week, strange how satisfied the people who work there are, how they’re so comfortable with their life and their work, no romance and no dreams. It was in an odd place called “broadland Business Park“, and that in itself is a reason why I was wrong ever to set foot there in the first place. Still, got to buy a washing machine, that’s why I go….In a way, it’s comical.

Reading - Douglas Coupland “hey Nostradamus!” / “the worst record covers in the world ever” / Best of Beano 1950s book / Graham Greene “the power and the glory”

Music - NME summer cd (first time I bought NME in 2 years) / pedro the lion / seafood / willy mason / dizzy g + stan g / delgados / sleater-kinney / yann tierson

Others - moby dick film / bobby d things / anne waldman live poetry / photographs / name books / briton arms shortbread / magazines…